What is the average lifespan of an HVAC system?

The average lifespan of an HVAC system is approximately 15 to 20 years, though it may vary depending on proper maintenance and equipment usage.

You can enhance the energy efficiency of your air conditioning system by sealing duct leaks, regularly maintaining equipment, using programmable thermostats, and installing high-efficiency equipment.

It's recommended to schedule preventive maintenance for your HVAC system at least once a year, preferably before the start of the heating or cooling season.

If your heating system isn't producing enough heat, you can check the thermostat, air filters, ducts, and heating units for common issues and schedule a professional inspection and maintenance if necessary.

Some signs that your air conditioning system needs repair include insufficient cooling, refrigerant leaks, strange noises, odors, and increased energy costs.

What is the appropriate size of an HVAC system for my home or business?

The appropriate size of an HVAC system depends on various factors including the size of the space to be conditioned, the number of windows and doors, insulation level, and the area's thermal load.

You should use high-quality air filters that fit your HVAC system's specifications and change them according to the manufacturer's recommendations, typically every 1 to 3 months.

You can improve indoor air quality in your building by proper ventilation, using high-quality air filters, reducing humidity, removing pollutants, and regularly maintaining your HVAC system.

If your HVAC system is making strange noises, you should turn it off immediately and schedule a professional inspection to diagnose and repair the issue before it can cause further damage.

Yes, it's possible to upgrade an old HVAC system to be more efficient by installing high-efficiency components such as air conditioning and heating units, programmable thermostats, and zoning systems.